Tuesday, December 22, 2009

healthcare vs. health insurance

Our legislators have a problem distinguishing health care from health insurance. Health insurance is a financial product that people buy to protect their assets in the event that they have a catastrophic claim. Health care is what people need when they get sick or hurt. People with low or no assets do not need health insurance because they have nothing to protect. They need health care which is provided by hospitals,doctors and clinics. I think we could build quite an infrastructure with controlled cost over the next ten years with the trillions of dollars they are budgeting. After ten years we have more hospitals and clinics and systems to deliver care to the needy. By giving health insurance to those who do not need it the government is gving individuals blank checks for providers to fill out. The needy have no interest in the cost and their is no cost containment. Control the cost of government plans by providing health care and you improve the system, otherwise in ten years we are right where we started with no additional infrastucture or cost containment.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Mark's Comment was accidentally deleted. We appreciate comments.
    Here is what he said:
    I suspect health care and health insurance were deliberately made tantamount. Several of our government officials have vested interests in the pharmaceutical companies. People will misplace their health insurance and wish they had health care. A large demand on health care will also lower the quality of care that everyone!

    Have a good day.
