Thursday, January 14, 2010

Good job, New York.

Did you know that while New York has about ½ as many people on Medicaid as California (In California, it is called Medi-Cal), it receives $3 billion more dollars than CA in support from the Federal Government per year? Per capita New York has about $7500 per person per year while CA has about $1850 per person per year.
Get this, California pays about $3 billion more in Federal taxes than New York in total per year. It goes to Washington and then Washington gives this money to New York for their health subsidy.

Are you shocked? Why does this happen? It happens because the subsidy is like a 401k plan. The more the State puts in the more the Federal Government matches it. California contributes about $1250 a year while New York contributes about $5500 per person per year. This costs CA about $3 billion a year. New York has taken advantage of this program. California needs to do a better job. Our legislators are wasting billions.

The Health Insurance Guy

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